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Coins (35836)



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ANNONAY (07) (7)ANNONAY (07)

Commercial and Industrial unionCommercial and Industrial union (6)Commercial and Industrial union

Coins Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 5 centimes 1918Coins Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 5 centimes 1918
Ref: 122344
Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 5 centimes 1918
Condition: SUP
FRENCH EMERGENCY COINS ANNONAY (07) Commercial and Industrial union

Coins Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 10 centimes 1918Coins Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 10 centimes 1918
Ref: 109437
Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 10 centimes 1918
Condition: SUP+ /SUP
FRENCH EMERGENCY COINS ANNONAY (07) Commercial and Industrial union

Coins Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 25 centimes 1918Coins Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 25 centimes 1918
Ref: 109439
Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 25 centimes 1918
Condition: SUP à FDC
FRENCH EMERGENCY COINS ANNONAY (07) Commercial and Industrial union

Coins Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 5 centimes 1918. LaitonCoins Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 5 centimes 1918. Laiton
Ref: 109440
Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 5 centimes 1918. Laiton
Condition: SUP /SUP+
FRENCH EMERGENCY COINS ANNONAY (07) Commercial and Industrial union

Coins Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 10 centimes 1918. LaitonCoins Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 10 centimes 1918. Laiton
Ref: 109441
Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 10 centimes 1918. Laiton
Condition: SUP
FRENCH EMERGENCY COINS ANNONAY (07) Commercial and Industrial union

Coins Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 25 centimes 1918. LaitonCoins Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 25 centimes 1918. Laiton
Ref: 109442
Annonay (07). Union Commerciale et Industrielle. 25 centimes 1918. Laiton
Condition: SUP+
FRENCH EMERGENCY COINS ANNONAY (07) Commercial and Industrial union


Cooperative La LaborieuseCooperative "La Laborieuse" (1)Cooperative La Laborieuse

Coins Annonay (07). Société Coopérative La Laborieuse. 50 centimesCoins Annonay (07). Société Coopérative La Laborieuse. 50 centimes
Ref: 109444
Annonay (07). Société Coopérative "La Laborieuse". 50 centimes
Condition: Très légère corrosion superficielle, TTB
FRENCH EMERGENCY COINS ANNONAY (07) Cooperative "La Laborieuse"

35836 coins

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